Sunday, 24 March 2013

Starting to visualise the handwriting analysis

I have selected a pastel colour scheme for my exhibition. My thinking behind this is related to my research. I really liked the large, stylised illustrations that were in a pastel colour in 'Information is Beautiful.' The pastel colour added an element of sophistication. I want to enlarge my stylised Victorian letters and think that a pastel coloured letter onto a background that is a lighter tint of the same pastel colour will really look effective. 

Charles Dickens-

I am experimenting with ways that I can represent my information/findings. I am discovering some really interesting information about the personality of the famous Victorians. Obveously it is not necessarily fact but I think it is a really interesting way of interpreting the Victorian handwritings. If I can make the exhibition visually dynamic and engaging then I think that this is going to be a really successful solution to my pop up exhibition. 

The above are ideas for boards that could fold down and be stored. They would have information on the main area which gives the graphology interpretation of handwriting in an information graphics style. Then the origional letter/letters from which the stylised letterforms have been taken from are displayed in the display boxes on the lower part of the front of the boards. My vision is that these would be constructed out of wood and the frames would be painted the chosen colour for representation of information of a particular Victorian (for instance, green for Queen Vicoria, Blue for Florence Nightingale etc).

I am really trying hard to convey the text as simplistically as possible whilst still looking sophisticated and visually interesting. I am using a thin stroke line which points to the section of letterform which I want to highlight. The line is also used for structuring the information. The information is left aligned on the left side of line. This gives some structure to the information. 

Above- layout idea one for the information of Charles Dickens. I think that it is a good starting point. Text is well structured and consistant in style and layout. This is important as it creates information that is easier to understand and interpret. Also, I like the interesting nature of the enlarged letterforms. However, I do not think that the piece is dynamic enough. 

This is a more interesting idea. I am taking the text that is written to the left and enlarging specific sections of the writing, highlighting specific curves etc that I am analysing. 

Above- This is definately getting somewhere. The composition is more dynamic but there is still a structure to the layout of information. Type is easy to read and understand. I like the idea of having a central focus to the piece with the very enlarged letter d. It has a feel of a Russian Constructivist poster in composition. 

For Florence nightingale,with this m, I am playing around with how I can show everything that I want to show whilst still having a left aligned text area.

Above- i am experimenting with the way that I can present this information for florence Nightingale. Here, the information follows the angle of the type. This does not really work, the information needs to have more structure like in previous layouts. 

I have reviewed the colour scheme which now consists of darker colours. 

Jack the Ripper handwriting analysis-

 Queen Vicotoria Handwriting analysis-

Exhibition space research and my inspiration for producing the style of boards and the way that the origional letters are displayed. 

This is my concept for the display of origional letters. The green squares that hold information about information are lazer cut pieces of plastic. They are hinged at the top and lift upwards to reveal the origional letter that will be displayed underneath in a glass cabinet. I really like the layout of type on this. I think that the structure to the type is really strong and easy to read and understand. 

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